More people today, than any other time in history, are either starting or already own a businesses. Some are not clear about what to do. Others are clear and are unsure of how to start. There are also those whoContinue reading… New Visionaries in Today’s Business World
Category: Vision
Staying the Course for Your BIGGER VISION
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections People who have a vision for their businesses or projects start out working with certain people to help. Usually they form a team to make that vision come alive. Everyone is usually inspiredContinue reading… Staying the Course for Your BIGGER VISION
Leading With Vision: Despite Challenges, Inspiration to Keep Going!
Valeri Bocage- CEO Powerful Women International Connections One of the most important objectives, is keeping a shared vision at the forefront. Many companies make changes, and go through challenges. However, if the company’s vision is kept at the forefront, employeesContinue reading… Leading With Vision: Despite Challenges, Inspiration to Keep Going!
Life After the Storm
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections We have all witnessed the fury of Hurricane Harvey this week. Some, have witnessed it firsthand and are now in crisis mode. They are having natural reaction to a traumatic event. Fear andContinue reading… Life After the Storm
Influence and Grow Your Vision with Positive Energy
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections Purpose and Vision All of us are part of some type of community, whether it be our neighborhood, workplace, or charitable group. We are curious to experience new places and new people,Continue reading… Influence and Grow Your Vision with Positive Energy
Do You Visualize and Pursue Victory?
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections We are often inspired to take on new challenges. We contemplate the five W’s: who, what, when, where and why, and then, consider the how’s and the possibility of success. Can we takeContinue reading… Do You Visualize and Pursue Victory?
Transform Your Vision Into Reality
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections Years ago, I was introduced to Carrie Nikitin by phone and was very impressed by her demeanor and confidence. I expressed my interest in not only working together but with our team effortContinue reading… Transform Your Vision Into Reality
Collaborating with the Right People Makes a Bigger Impact for Your Vision
Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections Valeri’s Story There comes a time when the groundwork for our vision is in place and ready to spring forward. It was a long two and a half years working to rebrand ourContinue reading… Collaborating with the Right People Makes a Bigger Impact for Your Vision
Build a Supportive and Dynamic Team to Further Your Vision
Valeri’s Story One of the most difficult tasks for building a company or organization is to find the right team that will support your project and long-term vision. I have learned through the years to look for people who notContinue reading… Build a Supportive and Dynamic Team to Further Your Vision
Your Growth Comes When You Help Others to Grow
Originally posted at Smooth Sale Valeri Bocage CEO Powerful Women International Connections Valeri’s Story Last week, I asked for everyone’s one big goal to accomplish this year. I am sure those of you who read the blog last week thoughtContinue reading… Your Growth Comes When You Help Others to Grow