Originally posted at Smooth Sale
Many times we do well in life by simply focusing on doing what we love. Then, one day what once made us happy no longer does. We continue to try to make it work anyway, but the effort is fruitless. It just does not bring us the joy and happiness it once did.
Have A Talk with Yourself
First, take a break! Ask yourself what about what you are doing does not work anymore. Take a long look.
Ask yourself:
- Is it the people?
- Are you just tired of the same thing?
- Has the economy changed?
Stimulate Creativity
Take a break from what you are doing. To find what makes you happy, do something that you really enjoy. This could be anything including cooking, hiking, gardening, walking, running, dancing, or just picking up some flowers. When you take the time to enjoy life, you get into your creative space. It is really the way to find “you” again.
Taking a break allows you to think of what you don’t want to do and also what you DO want to do. It is a miraculous thing to change your activities. Many times, we get into a “stuck” place and don’t know why. Taking a break to do something we love always helps to get us “unstuck.”
My Story
For some time I was in that space. I LOVED helping people. I have helped people all my life. For many years, I had a school and a dance school to teach children self-esteem. I loved it! Then, one day, I realized I wanted to do more. I did not know why I was feeling stuck, so I moved away from everything and everyone and just danced alone in my studio for hours. Dancing was one of the things I loved doing. When I woke up the next day, I realized I wanted to do something new. So, I changed gears. I sold my school, stopped teaching dance, and started working to empower women. That way I would reach MORE children!
Formal classroom education
Try Again
After many years of empowering women from all around the world, I had that stuck feeling again! It was time for something new. This time, I took time off and just walked and enjoyed the views. It was good for my health to also allow my mind to wander.
And Again – Success!
I began to work with women leaders who were empowering underprivileged communities and developing nations. It was time for something bigger and better.
Working to improve schools and overcome poverty
And Again
Now, not only am I working with women, but also men to make a bigger impact in society. Empowering communities includes children and that, my friends, is everyone in the world!
Your Story
Sometimes, something else is calling to us, similar to a new birth. When we feel stuck, it could be time for a shift in our lives to do something grander and more magnificent. Are you ready to do something more? Then join us:
Join us August 18-19, 2016 in San Francisco, CA at the Fairmont Hotel for our Global Impact Conference where we will connect and collaborate to make a bigger impact for positive changes all around the world. What To Do When You Are Stuck many times translates into: “It Is Time for Something New!”
Sales Tips:
- Be honest with yourself
- Hold a trustworthy dialogue with your inner being
- Examine what is working and what is not
- Carefully decide what is bringing you down
- Delete that which brings you down from your program
- Determine the areas of life that bring the most joy
- Prioritize the happier moments to create a new plan
- Create a new plan of action
- Prioritize the help you may need
- Refine your program to put into action
Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
For Business Consultation and Conference Speaking
Schedule an Appointment to Learn More: elinor@smoothsale.net
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