The Keys to Staying On Track

Originally posted at Smooth Sale

Valeri Bocage
CEO Powerful Women International Connections

Valeri’s Story

Staying on track with your goals for the New Year is not always easy. As the end of January approaches, commit to keeping track of your progress. Remember, when ‘life happens’ to throw you off course, it is normal and okay. Not everything is 100% under our control, and we need to be forgiving of ourselves.

When an interruption consumes our time, the better route is to deal with it quickly and then regain control as soon as possible. On those days when we get off track but efficiently return to our personal mission, we win.

Many times setbacks will happen when you take on something new. It is a part of the process. When things go wrong, I call them “potholes”. You will have many of them.

Dealing with Potholes

For example, creating a new website or redesigning your old one can be a very frustrating experience. The new software just purchased may not be what you thought only to waste countless hours. Your next step is to buy new equipment, but it does not work properly either. More problems are in need of being resolved. Now it feels as if the pothole instantly turned into a sinkhole!

The same occurs on occasion with collaborative and formal partnerships. Initially, the opportunity sounds very exciting. But once all of the details reveal themselves, and we ask the difficult questions, we recognize the need to remove ourselves from the arrangement as quickly as possible.

Remember these episodes are your “potholes” or the circumstances that go wrong on your journey to doing something new. They are there to see if you can endure and to make you stronger. The test is to see how you can push past them to refocus and rebuild.

Attitude and Fortitude

Competitors and admirers observe your attitude and fortitude from a distance. The less courageous and competitive folks fade away while your support club cheers for you. Why? As they see you growing to new heights, it gives them hope that they, too, may rise above. The act of not allowing down days to get you mentally down has most admiring your tenacity and leadership skills.

Soar Above

Perseverance is the key to achieving anything you want in life and is what separates the Eagles from the chickens. So when those things happen to turn your day upside down, embrace the mishaps and look for ways to quickly overcome them. Take a deep breath to calmly recognize that you have hit a pothole, and laugh. You, the eagle, will turn your pothole into something bigger and better.

Pam’s Perspective

Pam Terry, our COO, always laughs at our potholes. She reminds us all that everything is always in divine order and happens for a reason. Together we laugh and more easily get through whatever obstacle or “pothole” that comes our way. As a group, we encourage one another to get past the circumstance more quickly and easily.

Be the First

One outstanding way to move forward is by giving support first to be rewarded by receiving the same in return. Include helping others as a part of what you do. Not only will you feel good about making a difference in the lives of others, but you will also help to change lives. The rewards of doing so are immeasurable.

Our Mission

The mission of PWIC is to help improve lives of people around the world. We are working to connect and educate women who are making a difference in humanity on a global scale.  Our members lead projects in alignment with our mission.

Najjiyya Arnold is making a difference for families with her nonprofit, Profiles Unlimited, Sacramento, CA Click the link to read about the project.

Najjiyya Arnold’s Vision: “To help underprivileged youths and adults recognize and utilize their innate gifts and talents and to uplift and motivate people to be their greatest selves.”

Click here to see Other Member Projects 

Please consider donating to our GoFundMe site If everyone reading this would contribute any amount even any amount you can us help change more lives.

Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map to showcase how you are making a difference. ’Our goal is to have over 1,000,000 women worldwide who are making a difference on our global map. Join us and complete the short form. Women Humanitarian Leaders!

Complete our Women Leaders Map (No cost to complete the short form.) to showcase how you are making a difference in the world.

World Leader’s Map

PWIC members are working with humanitarian projects and causes:

  • Burn Survivors
  • Human Trafficking
  • Reducing Recidivism
  • Children at Risk
  • Empowering Developing Countries
  • Homelessness

WE can create a better world.

We Invite You!

Together, Let’s Make a Bigger Impact in Society!

Email us at OR contribute to our GoFundMe site above. (Any amount helps us to assist our members.) There are also many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place. Become a member. Let us know what you are doing to change lives!

Sales Tips:
  1. Join a group of like-minded peers.
  2. Donate a portion of time to a community to mentor members.
  3. Encourage others to move forward.
  4. Support those who are like-spirited.
  5. Help one another past potholes.
  6. Create a collaborative group to promote one another’s work.
  7. Embrace the spirit of “together we can achieve more”.
  8. Pin your vision on the wall above the computer to always keep it in mind.
  9. Embrace the attitude to quickly fix anything not working quite right.
  10. Celebrate success!

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