In Giving, You Get ALL that You Need

Originally posted at Smooth Sale

Valeri Bocage
CEO Powerful Women International Connections

Valeri’s Story

We are in the second month of our New Year! Most of us are still working on our new goals that we want to accomplish. Some of us are taking the appropriate actions, some of us have slowed down a bit, and others are dealing with the breakdowns that come with doing something new.

Advancement requires courage and boldness.

Some of us will keep going, some of us will go back to the norm, and others will have massive breakthroughs. It takes commitment, persistence, and tenacity. The first key is to take good care of your health. The second key is to make sure that you are helping and giving to others along your way.

Story Within A Story

I remember a company that was stressed out trying to meet payroll to keep from losing their lease. The person in charge did not know what else to do so he began to pray. As he prayed, he kept hearing a tiny voice saying, “feed my people.” He then met with his team to tell them that they were going to feed the hungry. The decision was made to feed the homeless on July 4th, Independence Day. They began calling restaurants to help with food and bus services and to help with picking up homeless people around the city.

That day they fed over 400 hundred people and received record-breaking donations. The company was able to pay the staff and the lease. Over time, they were able to build a much larger building and added a school that now has scholarship programs. They continue to feed the homeless every year.

Lessons Learned

If you are struggling in any area of your life, relieve some stress by giving to those in worse shape. If you don’t have money to give, give of yourself with time and your special talent. Remember, it is not only about you; it is about other people too. Smile!

One of our executive city team members is Lourdes Nicomedes, a CPA for the city of San Francisco. Although Lourdes works hard and long hours, she spends her off-time (including her lunch time) talking with homeless people so that they may feel important. She is on the board of many non-profits and also uses her talent as a CPA to teach non-profits about financial assistance. It is in her heart to help underprivileged communities as much as she can.

Although your heart may not be oriented toward the homeless community, there are many other possibilities to consider.  Working with women in need, children at risk, human trafficking… are all ideas to be seriously thought through. As you are building your life, be sure to include the lives of others – even if it’s just one person. Think of a person, organization, or a community that calls to you. The world works best when we are in service to each other.

Lourdes Nicomedes, CPA, CFF, CGMA

Lourdes gives service to the City of San Francisco by helping the homeless, nonprofits, and underprivileged communities wherever she goes. We commend you!

Our Mission

The mission of PWIC is to help improve lives of people around the world. We are working to connect and educate women who are making a difference in humanity on a global scale.  Our members lead projects in alignment with our mission.

Click here to see Other Member Projects 

Please donate to our GoFundMe site If everyone reading this would contribute any amount even any amount you can us help change more lives.

Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map to showcase how you are making a difference. ’Our goal is to have over 1,000,000 women worldwide who are making a difference on our global map. Join us and complete the short form. Women Humanitarian Leaders!

Complete our Women Leaders Map (No cost to complete the short form.) to showcase how you are making a difference in the world.

World Leader’s Map

PWIC members are working with humanitarian projects and causes:

  • Burn Survivors
  • Human Trafficking
  • Reducing Recidivism
  • Children at Risk
  • Empowering Developing Countries
  • Homelessness

WE can create a better world.

We Invite You!

Together, Let’s Make a Bigger Impact in Society!

Email us at OR contribute to our GoFundMe site above. (Any amount helps us to assist our members.) There are also many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place. Become a member. Let us know what you are doing to change lives!

Sales Tips:
  1. On down, days help someone else.
  2. Feel the reward in helping one.
  3. Expand helping one to assist many.
  4. Donate 15% of your time to communities.
  5. Join an organization whose members are committed to empowering others.
  6. Brainstorm with peers on how to expand projects.
  7. Share information of one another line to gain further involvement.
  8. Submit articles and become a media guest to gain greater support.
  9. Create further services and products to complement what is already in place.
  10. Celebrate Success!

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