Originally posted at Smooth Sale
Valeri Bocage CEO
Powerful Women International Connections
Valeri’s Story
We each experience and deal with the unexpected. Even worse, is when the ‘unwanted’ occurs. For example, on the day we have a special plan in place with a smile on our face, out of nowhere it seems as if an explosion occurs when “IT problems” happen! OUCH!
Technology issues can be anything from one device not working to the entire internet going down for hours or days. These unwelcome events always seem to occur when we are under deadline. In recent weeks, friends experienced a variety of setbacks. The scariest news is that of a friend stuck in a foreign country to the horror of terrorist attacks surrounding the city. He is there for months with his life on “hold.”
I point out the worst to help us get through the more normal difficulties. A major technology company, on which millions of customers are dependent, saw their service go dark. Chaos describes the situation.
At some point, “IT mishaps” happen to the best of us and all of us.
Habits to Change
Anger and feeling sorry for oneself only serve to add to the wasted time. While it may feel good to scream, the improved approach is to allow yourself three minutes to get all the anger and frustration out. Set a timer, and when the alarm sounds, work out the next best plan while the situation begins to resolve. In the meantime, have backup projects to turn your attention to for when the next mishap occurs.
Breakdown to Breakthrough
Our membership has developed strong bonds with one another. Most inspiring is that everyone is willing to admit when they are experiencing rough patches. Upon listening, their peers provide suggestions and support. By the time we reconvene, we hear that they moved past the breakdown to enjoy sharing breakthroughs. These intimate conversations are highly inspiring!
3 Stories Shared
Story #1
Louann, is a former nuclear engineer. She helps parents and children to improve their relationships. The worst day came when her doctor diagnosed cancer. Surgery and chemo were scheduled. As a former scientist, Louann put her natural talent to good use. Research on how to beat cancer became her mission. Her focused work paid off as she is now cancer free. Louann’s findings are being shared to help others make it through a similar setback.
Delayed but not deterred, Louann expanded her work with children and parents to working with teachers and schools. The downtime gave her the time to think about her life’s work differently. Without the space to allow her mind to wander and consider, she may not have thought to expand her school project. Most certainly she would not be working with people to assist them with cancer either. Louann continues to amaze those in her network circles.
Story #2
Monica experienced the nightmare of severe flooding in her home. She had to stop everything to deal with the abrupt interference. If that weren’t enough, her dad fell ill. The usual stopped to care for him. For an added endurance test, Monica broke her leg while out of town. These unusual events reminded me that when “IT strikes” it seems to bring all of its friends.
The next time we spoke, Monica was back to enjoying life. Monica finds possibility and joy everywhere. She rides her motorcycle with other female motorcyclists and is in the process of getting her license to fly a plane. Her big project is working with the incarcerated to reduce recidivism.
Story #3
Our last example is that of Bette. A horrific case of the flu stopped her and all activities. The downtime allowed Bette to review her life’s work to recognize the significant change was in order. There was little doubt that her job made her feel as if she were in prison with no place to go. Adding to the stress was the fact little income was hers.
Bette decided the downtime was her gift in disguise, and her Now! She thoughtfully spent the time writing her first big proposal. She proposed teaching her race walking program with the focus on assisting people to stay healthy. A company awarded Bette with a large contract to move forward with her program. She is now aglow with having broken through many barriers.
Happy New Beginnings
As members share their breakdowns underway, my heart goes out to them. I want to help and take away their present pain. I realize we each have our moments of going through, “IT meltdowns” for us to get to the other side and experience Miracles.
My joy is working with those who are of the mindset to empower others. As they do, they are more easily able to get past obstacles too. The power is found in working together. I watch the members as if they are caterpillars in a cocoon about to become a butterfly. As my heart goes out to the caterpillar too, I cannot wait to see what kind of beautiful butterfly it will become.
The moment we overcome our obstacles becomes the juncture where we get strength for Miracles to Happen! ~Valeri Bocage
Lead and Be A Champion!
We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world! Take a look at what some of our other members are doing:
Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map to showcase how you are making a difference. Complete our World Leader’s Map (No cost to complete the short form.) to showcase how you are making a difference in the world. The added benefit is to build a highly admired personal and company brand.
Some of our humanitarian Member Projects include:
- Burn Survivors
- Human Trafficking
- Reducing Recidivism
- Children at Risk
- Empowering Developing Countries
- Homelessness
Together WE can create a better world.
There are several ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world better:
- Become a member of Powerful Women International Connections.
- Contribute to our GoFundMe site above. (Any amount helps us to assist our members.)
- Mark Your Calendar and plan to attend the Global Impact Conference August 10-11, 2017
With your help, we can expand our projects, unite more women humanitarian leaders, and help them make a bigger impact. For more information about the difference our members are making, visit www.pwiconnections.com/projects.html or emails us at info@pwiconnections.com and let us know about your project or desire to make the world better. We would love to hear from you!
We Invite You!
Email us at info@pwiconnections.com OR There are also many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place. Become a member. Let us know what you are doing to change lives!
Always include giving back to help change lives. That is where the juice of life is! We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world!
NOTE: By incorporating giving and helping communities of your choice, you will experience The Smooth Sale!
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