Originally posted at Smooth Sale
Valeri Bocage CEO
Powerful Women International Connections
Most of us will procrastinate over unexciting projects and tend to place them on the back burner. We may feel committed for some, but for others, commitment fades away. We keep saying, “No, not today.”
“When you are doing something positive to help others, friends volunteer to help.” ~Valeri Bocage
Valeri’s Story
Accustomed to our routine, an interruption or out-of-the-blue thought will sometimes take us by surprise. I refer to the unexpected experience as “That Strong Feeling.” It prompts us to recognize that it is time for something new.
Our instinct will guide us to doing something that would not otherwise occur. It comes from our gut, and on occasion, the thought seemingly comes out of left field. But until an action occurs, the thought keeps nagging at us without a turn-off switch in sight.
Justina’s Story
Justina Page built her nonprofit to assist burn survivors and their families. In the process, she attended our “Innate Gift Leadership Workshop” in Houston. During the workshop, Justina shared that she experienced such a moment. Her mind lit up with the idea it was time for her to write poems and messaging through music. Justina revealed that she just could not stop thinking about it. Lyrics magically flowed through to fill her head with songs.
We advised her that when this type of experience occurs, it signals the right time is now to take a new direction. It was her time to birth her new idea. Justina took our advice and began to write. She shared her first song with another member. And then the real magic began to reveal itself!
Connections and Relationships
Justina’s friend knows a film producer who is in the process of making a new movie, We Are Stronger. She voluntarily told her movie producer friend about Justina’s new song. Interest prompted an introduction. To the film maker’s delight, he was inspired by the song and found himself asking to learn more about Justina’s community work. So impressed by all that she does, he made the quick decision to cast Justina in his upcoming movie!
The movie is coming out in September 2017, with Justina in it !!
Watch the Trailer by clicking this link
Connections built upon sound relationships are everything. Justina gave her first TED Talk with the help of another PWIC connection.
The next leap forward was for the media to become involved. Justina is now making TV appearances and enjoying radio interviews to speak about both her nonprofit and the new movie.
From Doubt to Courage
Many people tend to ignore the calling to try something entirely new. Although tired of the old, fear enters the room that prevents one from attempting the new. The self-doubt leads to the decision of never trying.
The negative thought and lack of trying become a downward spiral. Discouragement takes hold preventing one from moving forward in their life. The worst part is, one will live the remainder of their life wondering, “What if I had…?”
Why Move Forward
- The “usual” is either no longer working or no longer of interest.
- The thought reoccurs before sleep and is with you when you awake never leaving your side.
- The idea inspires you as it is destined to make a difference for others.
- Moving forward with the new will bring added joy to your life
- Inspiration becomes yours as you strategize how to put the new idea to work.
- Just thinking about the new direction brings a smile to your face.
- Motivation and excitement increase as steps for success are put into place.
What To Do
- Ask trusted peers for help with your early stage idea.
- Only confer with positive-minded people who want to help you succeed.
- List out a plan of action with target dates for completion.
- As others see you take action, they organically come on board to help; accept their help.
- Score a team victory for empowering many!
Lead and Be A Champion!
We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world! Take a look at what some of our other members are doing:
Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map to showcase how you are making a difference. Complete our World Leader’s Map (No cost to complete the short form.) to showcase how you are making a difference in the world. The added benefit is to build a highly admired personal and company brand.
Some of our humanitarian Member Projects include:
- Burn Survivors
- Human Trafficking
- Reducing Recidivism
- Children at Risk
- Empowering Developing Countries
- Homelessness
Together WE can create a better world.
There are several ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world better:
- Become a member of Powerful Women International Connections.
- Contribute to our GoFundMe site above. (Any amount helps us to assist our members.)
- Mark Your Calendar and plan to attend the Global Impact Conference August 10-11, 2017
With your help, we can expand our projects, unite more women humanitarian leaders, and help them make a bigger impact. For more information about the difference our members are making, visit www.pwiconnections.com/projects.html or emails us at info@pwiconnections.com and let us know about your project or desire to make the world better. We would love to hear from you!
We Invite You!
Email us at info@pwiconnections.com OR There are also many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place. Become a member. Let us know what you are doing to change lives!
Always include giving back to help change lives. That is where the juice of life is! We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world!
NOTE: By incorporating giving and helping communities of your choice, you will experience The Smooth Sale!
P.S. Send us your sales related questions to elinor@smoothsale.net