Originally posted at Smooth Sale
Valeri’s Story
This week we held our first Women Leader’s Roundtable for female humanitarians currently making a difference in Los Angeles. We met at the Los Angeles City Club. We wanted to learn about their envisioned projects for improved understanding. Our purpose is to collaboratively work together bringing hope and inspiration to the underprivileged around the globe.
Our first meeting for the Los Angeles area proved to be inspiring in itself. As each prospective member was given the floor to speak about their projects it sparked much interest among the rest. By the end, names of friends that would be an asset for our mission were being shared.
Get Personal While Being Professional
In addition to building our PWIC community, we strive to build up one another by providing support any way we may. We share our accomplishments, hurdles we face, and what we are enjoying in the moment.
It’s evident that we all face issues in need of being improved. Taking personal time out for ourselves, family and friends help to focus on what matters to each of us. The process provides the way for everything to work itself out. We are then better prepared to help in our communities.
PWIC Meeting Style
Our agenda for the PWIC meetings is to first connect with one another individually and then as a group. Feeling refreshed and motivated to begin, we then get down to the serious matters on our agenda.
A Special Advisor
We are proud to have Neal on our advisory board. He is an advocate for women’s equality and attends many of our meetings. Neal took it upon himself to write a book featuring women in history who made names for themselves. Shockingly, most of us never heard of the strides these females made as they were eliminated from our history books. The title of the book is Outrageous: The Victoria Woodhull Saga, Volume One: Rise to Riches.
One of the women included in the book ran for President of the United States many years ago, but again, that fact was omitted from our history books. Neal states that the saga of Victoria Woodhull serves three purposes:
- First, the story provokes public awareness of the historical and continuing denigration and subjugation of gender prejudice.
- Second, the tale exposes the historical basis for the manipulation of the “free markets” of stocks, bonds, and commodities.
- Third, the story shows how existing financial and political power structures used prison and seizure of assets to prevent innovation and social change.
Victoria Woodhull overcame all these obstacles in a remarkable life. According to Katz, “We have so much more power than we allow ourselves to think. Create the life you want!” And Neal is doing just that as he announced his book was granted a movie contract!
Venice Beach CA
Time Out
After the meeting, an executive team member and I enjoyed watching the sunset at Venice Beach. The visit gave us time to relax, unwind and enjoy the company of one another. The sunset was strikingly beautiful. She took me to see the rows of houses that sit on the small rivers that reminded me of Venice. Cheryl revealed she visits the area at least three times a week to feel at peace.
When we balance our lives among challenges and enjoyment, life becomes much more enjoyable. ~ Valeri Bocage
Lead and Be A Champion!
We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world! Take a look at what some of our other members are doing:
Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map to showcase how you are making a difference. Complete our World Leader’s Map (No cost to complete the short form.) to showcase how you are making a difference in the world. The added benefit is to build a highly admired personal and company brand.
Some of our humanitarian Member Projects include:
•Burn Survivors
•Human Trafficking
•Reducing Recidivism
•Children at Risk
•Empowering Developing Countries
Together WE can create a better world.
There are several ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world better:
- Become a member of Powerful Women International Connections.
- Contribute to our GoFundMe site above. (Any amount helps us to assist our members.)
- Mark Your Calendar and plan to attend the Global Impact Conference August 10-11, 2017
With your help, we can expand our projects, unite more women humanitarian leaders, and help them make a bigger impact. For more information about the difference our members are making, visit www.pwiconnections.com/projects.html or emails us at info@pwiconnections.com and let us know about your project or desire to make the world better. We would love to hear from you!
We Invite You!
Email us at info@pwiconnections.com OR There are also many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place. Become a member. Let us know what you are doing to change lives!
Always include giving back to help change lives. That is where the juice of life is! We invite you to join us to make a difference in the world!
NOTE: By incorporating giving and helping communities of your choice, you will experience The Smooth Sale!
P.S. Send us your sales related questions to elinor@smoothsale.net
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