Originally posted at Smooth Sale
The PWIC Story
PWIC is staying strong in the area of elevating underprivileged and at-risk individuals and communities around the world. Our members use their innate gifts and mastery in skills to make a difference for humanity. To contribute to our cause, please visit our campaign at our GoFundMe page
We invite you to help make a bigger impact with your humanitarian efforts. “How?” you may ask. The answer: by coming together collectively to change lives, rather than attempting to do things individually. We invite you, our readers and followers, to join PWIConnections. Join us to connect with other women humanitarian leaders and collaborate in transforming at-risk communities around the world.
If you are stuck, or unsure of what to do next, the best cure is to help others. Once you do that, you will become clear regarding your own next steps.
PWIC’s Projects
PWIC has two major projects. One is to rebuild a school and orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya that we adopted. The children there need clothes, books, computers, blankets, sheets, and much more. The second project is to reduce the rate of recidivism (rate of return to prison among the previously incarcerated). Our third effort is to provide toys to underprivileged children for the holidays through out Toys for Tots program.
Members participate in each of these projects by using their talents and/or collaborating with their own projects, and you can too. To get involved, send us an email with your ideas and interest to info@pwiconnections.com. Another way to participate is to contribute to our campaign on the GoFundMe page; simply click the link above.
Members’ Projects
Budding Entrepreneurs in Africa
One of our members, Dr. Olivia Herriford, will be visiting a few countries in Africa, including Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2016. Dr. Herriford trains budding entrepreneurs in Africa who have entrepreneurial talents, but lack much needed business skills. Dr. Herriford teaches men and women how to successfully run a business. Every year Dr. Herriford returns to several countries in Africa to train, teach, and improve lives and future generations.
Program for Rebellious Children
Another member is Louann Tung, PhD. a former nuclear engineer, who teaches parents how to successfully relate to and interact with rebellious children. Louann’s training and teachings allow families to be happier, productive, and have better quality relationships with each other. Louann is helping to improve the dynamic of families towards healthy and enriching relationships.
PWIC member, Najjiyya Arnold, works with underprivileged communities in California. Her nonprofit, Profiles Unlimited, helps the homeless, provides reading programs for children, and feeds the hungry. Najjiyya Arnold feeding the Homeless.
Your Story
In your quiet space begin asking questions of yourself:
- Today, what do I hold most important?
- What projects need to be completed in order to achieve that goal?
- Do I need a team to help me attain my fondest vision?
Begin creating a plan of action for all that you wish to accomplish along with realistic completion dates. Make careful note of the education or help that may be required. Create an on-going task list to be adhered to each day. In so doing, the motivation will kick in and you will be newly energized to move full steam ahead. The bonus is, you will draw admiration from your clientele and further build an admired personal brand.
PWIC Partners
We are partnering with companies and organizations that have the resources to help us make a bigger humanitarian impact in improving lives around the world. Consider joining us today and referring us to those you know who would like to help.
PWIC Humanitarian Projects Page
Join in by making a contribution of ANY amount large or small. It adds up!
End of Year Holiday Campaign Your name will appear on our website.
How You Can Participate
There are many ways in which you may participate:
Become a member.
Our members are compassionate, authentic women who are making a difference or have a desire to do so. We connect, collaborate with, and educate our members to make a bigger impact in society. Our educational programs strengthen by building confidence and skills. Our collaboration programs provide a way to make a bigger impact and expand reach to improve more lives. Opportunities to participate on teams and at events connect you to other humanitarian leaders which drives collaboration.
- Plan to attend our Global Impact Conference August 10-11, 2017, San Francisco CA
- Donate to our Gifts for the Holidays.
- Let us know either what you are doing to improve at-risk lives or what you want to do.
Sales Tips:
- Visualize your legacy.
- Begin planning your legacy.
- Live your vision for empowering humanity.
- Learn from counterparts what to avoid and what to implement.
- Network with like-minded female leaders.
- Join PWIC.
- Attend our events.
- Report back regarding your progress to brainstorm ideas.
- Implement the new ideas to help more people.
- Celebrate success!
Joining the team and following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Visit Elinor’s Author Page
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