Originally posted at Smooth Sale
PWIC Story
PWIC is staying strong in the area of elevating underprivileged and at-risk individuals and communities around the world. Our members use their innate gifts and mastery in skills to make a difference in humanity. To contribute to our cause, please visit our campaign at our GoFundMe page.
Valeri’s Story
Over the years, I have learned that it is okay to hit dry spells of unproductive times. We are familiar with the term, “writer’s block”. The creative brain of an author will occasionally draw a blank stare. Many of us experience similar episodes. In other cases, what once inspired and had us productive will change seemingly overnight. Our spark of enjoyment seems to fade.
The Why
It’s important to know you are not alone when a blank wall hits. Numerous reasons exist as to why it occurs. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with life going on around us. We may get side-tracked with obligation. Or it’s simply that the overly stimulated brain produces overwhelm. We are left to feel as if our brain is shutting down.
The answer is inside of us at all times. Sometimes new decisions need to be made that scare us. Fear enters the picture when we are unfamiliar with that new something. Most noticeable is that the block arrives when we are about to embark on something that is about to take us to the next level.
From now on make allowances for the natural occurrences to come forth. View it as time for meditation or soul searching. Have an honest dialogue with yourself to figure out what you hold most important. In the moment, the best solution is to simply take a break to clear your mind. This is very similar to rebooting your computer. Overload produces a need to shutdown, clear out the junk, and then restart. Go have some fun or do that special something that you have been putting off due to a lack of time. Most importantly, take time to relax and let your mind wander.
The answer comes faster as we enjoy ourselves and relax. It’s a force of nature that needs to unfold as we pay keen attention to it. New ideas are then free to unfold similar to a rose beginning to bloom.
Your Story
In your quiet space begin asking questions of yourself:
- Today, what do I hold most important?
- What projects need to be completed in order to achieve that goal?
- Do I need a team to help me attain my fondest vision?
Begin creating a plan of action for all that you wish to accomplish along with realistic completion dates. Make careful note of the education or help that may be required. Create an on-going task list to be adhered to each day. In so doing, the motivation will kick in and you will be newly energized to move full steam ahead. The bonus is, you will draw admiration from your clientele and further build an admired personal brand.
PWIC Partners
We are partnering with companies and organizations that have the resources to help us make a bigger humanitarian impact in improving lives around the world. Consider joining us today and referring us to those you know who would like to help.
PWIC Humanitarian Projects Page
Join in by making a contribution of ANY amount large or small. It adds up!
End of Year Holiday Campaign Your name will appear on our website.
Mark your calendar: August 10-11, 2017 Global Impact Conference San Francisco, CA
Sales Tips:
- When a blank stare hits, go outside.
- Allow your mind to wander.
- Focus on what makes you smile.
- Equate the smile to your work.
- Focus on how to leverage that work.
- Create a re-energized vision.
- Still smiling, create a plan to attain the new vision.
- List everything that needs to be done to make the vision a reality.
- List those people who can help you achieve the vision more quickly.
- Create a team effort and celebrate success together!
Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
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