Make Work Fun and Fulfilling By Shifting Priorities

Originally posted at Smooth Sale


Valeri’s Story

Ah, the Holiday Season and the end of the year. During this time of year, people are leaving jobs and businesses earlier to go on vacation and to visit family and friends.

Holidays are a time when most of us put work on the backburner along with our projects. We see this time as the family first. We tend to focus more than ever on helping others and giving back. We laugh and enjoy life as we are more relaxed. We tend to work 80% of the time and enjoy our lives 20%, but during the year-end holiday time, our time spent is reversed. And, when we look at our lives, we have so much for which to be thankful.

Give Thought
  • What if we kept this lifestyle where we enjoyed our lives, our families, and helped others more?
  • Where we worked 20% of the time and enjoyed our lives and gave back to the community 80% of the time?

Although many people enjoy their jobs and careers, it’s not true for everyone. If you are in a job or career where you feel trapped or constrained, and anything but happy, it may be time for a change. And if you are only working for money without the feeling of fulfillment, that’s not a healthy choice.

It is possible to feel as if you have it all. At PWIC, our work is about helping other people, and we make our work fun. We also put family first.

Dr. Olivia Herriford

One of our members is a college professor. She lives to help others and has fun doing it. Dr. Olivia Herriford is also the founder of the non-profit, Women Sharing Wisdom Institute. Dr. Herriford is currently in Nairobi, Kenya to assist entrepreneurs in making their business work. She is also hosting a dinner meeting there with a group of women leaders to discuss how they can partner together and further assist each other’s community work. Her endeavors in Africa are not only fun but also immensely rewarding.

“I believe when our priorities are God and family first and then helping others, our life is rewarding, and our world seems to be a much better place.”
– Dr. Olivia Herriford Dr.


Olivia Herriford improves lives of entrepreneurs in Africa.

Humanitarian Projects

When you give, it helps our members expand their humanitarian work and projects. PWIC members are working with humanitarian projects and causes, such as:

  • Advocating for Burn Survivors
  • Eliminating Human Trafficking
  • Reducing Recidivism
  • Empowering Children at Risk
  • Empowering Communities in Developing Countries
  • Purging Homelessness
  • And more!
We Invite You to Join Us!

Together, we can make a bigger difference. No matter what the rest of the world is doing, WE can still create a better world. Together, Let’s Make a Bigger Impact in Society! There are many ways you can join us in our efforts to make the world a better place:

1. Become a member of Powerful Women International Connections. Let us help you expand your project and make a bigger impact to improve lives.

2. Mark Your Calendar for the PWIC Global Conference August 10-11, 2017 and plan to attend.

3. Donate to our Gifts for the Holidays.

4. Get listed on the PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map.’ Complete the short form here: Leader’s Map.

5. Contribute to our GoFundMe campaign  . If everyone who is reading this were to donate just $10, we would reach our goal and help improve more lives.

6. Email us:

Let us know what you are doing to change lives. Let’s find ways of working together!

Sales Tips:
  • Visualize your legacy.
  • Begin planning your legacy.
  • Live your vision for empowering humanity.
  • Learn from counterparts what to avoid and what to implement.
  • Network with like-minded female leaders.
  • Join PWIC.
  • Attend our events.
  • Report back regarding your progress to brainstorm ideas.
  • Implement the new ideas to help more people.
  • Celebrate the people you have helped!

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