Navigating Through Change

Valeri Bocage

CEO Powerful Women International Connections

We’ve heard the old adage, “Nothing is constant in life but change.” Today, we are in the eye of the storm of massive change; be it planetary, personal, technological or business. Some are minimal and expected. Others are unexpected and shake us to the core.

In business, the status quo cannot be maintained. With the advent of technology and competition, it’s leaders require methods to sustain and thrive in a turbulent and ever-changing environment.

Face Your Fears
As business leaders, we like control, consistency and structure. However, in order to keep our business flourishing, change is necessary. For most of us, the thought of change can fill us with fear. When faced with a change at the office, how do you react? Do you allow fear to cripple you or do you confront your feelings and seek support from others?

At PWIC, our foundation is built upon ensuring our members are whole and healthy, first and foremost. We pride ourselves in knowing we can contact each other for any type of support, council or encouragement, anytime. We, unlike other companies, are here to assist you through any change or challenge you are facing, as well as assist you in your business goals. This is a differentiation most companies do not offer. In doing so, we offer each other guidance through life and business changes, aiding us to create new methods, adding to our resiliency to embrace change and be empowered moving forward.

Recently, one of our members was told she had to completely rewrite her dissertation for her PhD program. She had already spent many months writing her initial submission and felt blind-sighted by the required change. Filled with frustration and dismay, she reached out to our members for support. Through council, communication and planning, she set her sights on her new goal and her plan took action.

As she brainstormed a new topic for her dissertation, she chose to focus on the prison system. She felt a new inspiration, remembering her prior work with prisons/prisoners and the joy it brought her. The words poured forth and her writing flowed with ease. She knew she could aid prisoners with the tools necessary to not only reintroduce themselves to society, but also, to become more productive members. Her wish was to empower others, so they would never want or need to return to their previous lifestyles.

Embracing Change
Our organization has conducted a monthly leadership forum in San Francisco for the past two years. Recently, we were met with an unforeseeable change. Our usual venue became unavailable and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Finding an appropriate location meeting our requirements is not an easy task in this beautiful city. To make it an accessible event for members, we needed easy parking, delectable food and accessibility to the subway (BART Stations).

Rather than give in to fear, I embraced the change and called one of our members, Dr. Hunnicutt for support. I relayed my challenge and since she lived in the area, she recommended other venues she knew might work well. As I wrote them down, I recalled a prior conversation with Pam Terry, our COO, where she encouraged me to keep my sights on the light at the end of the tunnel in order to meet my goals. This lifted my mood, adding wind to my sail and perspective. I felt invigorated to find a solution. I called one of the venues Dr. Hunnicutt recommended, and all of a sudden, the pieces came together. All our requirements were met, and more, and I was filled with peace!

Lessons Learned
1. Understand change is inevitable.
2. Embrace your dynamic nature and ability to change.
3. Do not give into fear.
4. Refocus your perspective with positivity.
5. Seek council and brainstorm best navigation routes to meet change.
6. Take action to enact necessary change.

“Change is inevitable. Your response to that change will either make or break you. What will you choose?! ~ Valeri Bocage

Ms. Marion Bieber

Join PWIC in our efforts to make the world better.  Lead and be a champion! The added benefit is to build a highly admired personal and company brand.

Some of our Humanitarian Member Projects include (but are not limited to):

  • Assisting Burn Survivors
  • Stopping Human Trafficking
  • Reducing Recidivism
  • Aiding Children at Risk
  • Empowering Developing Countries
  • Working with the Homeless

With your help, we can expand our projects, uniting more women humanitarian leaders, helping them make a bigger impact in the world.  We would love to hear about your vision and how its implementation is changing peoples’ lives.

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