Crisis Promotes Change for An Improved Tomorrow

Originally posted at Smooth Sale

The PWIC Story

PWIC connects, collaborates and educates women humanitarian leaders to expand their projects and causes.  By providing this type of leadership training and support, our members are then able to make a larger impact in their communities.

The focus of our member projects is on helping the less fortunate, the underserved and people in marginal communities. You can help us to expand our reach by contributing to our GoFundMe campaign.

Valeri’s Story

When either a crisis happens or a change in our lives comes about, we find our deepest strengths. We find strengths we did not know we had. Many become heroes when an immediate need to take action becomes crystal clear. We all have greatness inside. Some of us find it when there is a need for a drastic change in our lives.

One of the major stumbling blocks is that many people will worry to the point of becoming depressed, but this never solves anything.  The best way to get through these types of situations is to worry less, and then do everything we can in every way we can. Then, trust that the desired outcome will work out too. The less we worry, and the more we focus on doing our part, the easier it becomes to move forward. By the time the situation plays out, we feel both surprised and relieved. The improved route is to remain open to figure out the better solution.

Laurel’s Story

One of our members rose up to leadership after a move back to California was required. For many years, she had lived in other countries. Next steps were unknown and of concern to her.

Fortunately, Laurel met with a woman who gave her an assignment, and that was to investigate a website.  The woman believed it could be of interest and a match for Laurel’s talent. The site belongs to an organization dedicated to stopping Human Trafficking. Upon in-depth research, Laurel realized that California was not passing the test for this organization. In fact, the report card displayed an “F” grade. California was failing to stop sex trafficking.

In an instant, Laurel saw her calling. She knew she could make a difference to stop the human trafficking trade. Progress is already being made in many states lifting their failing grades to acceptable and excellent.  Laurel achieved all this by tapping into her passion.


Laurel Botsford, Spokesperson to Stop Human Trafficking

Laurel Botsford is speaking and conducting workshops around the country and any place she can to educate officials, colleges, schools on the subject. She is working hard to keep our children, woman and young men safe. Laurel found her voice by finding her calling.

Our members rise to be leaders, or they join other leaders to work on a cause in which they believe.

“No matter how bad a situation looks, doing your part to change it will change everything.” ~ Valeri Bocage

Your Story

What is your cause or project?  Would you like to join one of our teams?

We would love to hear from you. Join PWIC ‘Women Humanitarian Leaders Global Map There is no cost to complete the short form. And please contribute to our Gofundme site If each person reading this was to give just at $2; each would help change more lives.

PWIC members are working on humanitarian projects such as:

  • Burn Survivors
  • Human Trafficking
  • Reducing Recidivism
  • Children at Risk
  • Empowering Developing Countries
  • Homelessness



Valeri Bocage and Laurel Botsford, at a Human Trafficking event,
City Hall, San Francisco.


This weekend, give consideration to what is foremost on your mind, especially what you find troubling.  Give thought to how you might gain momentum by joining with like-minded people to advance your vision, or how you may work on a combined effort for all.  Together, we can make a bigger impact for positive change in the world. The members of the PWIC community work on a variety of humanitarian projects and causes. Be inspired!


Join Us Today

Let’s Make a Bigger Impact in Society.  Tell us what you are doing or want to do to change lives. E-mail us at There are many ways you can join our “band of incredible leaders” and participate with us to make the world a better place:

  • Become a member.
  • Mark Your Calendar for our Global Impact Conference August 10-11, 2017.
  • Donate to our Gifts for the Holidays.
  • Be seen on the “Women World Leaders Map” on our website as a woman who is making a difference in the world by completing a brief Leader’s Map form.
  • You can help us make a difference in the lives of many and all around the world by contributing to our GoFundMe campaign.  

Our non-profit, a 501c3, PWIC Global Impact, is created to also assist our members with their callings and projects.

Sales Tips:
  1. Visualize your legacy.
  2. Believe you are able to make a difference.
  3. Plan out how you may work to improve humanity.
  4. Match your passion with the right organizations.
  5. Create a new career doing good for others.
  6. Join PWIC.
  7. Attend our events and build relationships with similar minded people.
  8. Adapt newfound ideas to further your work.
  9. Teach others to do the same.
  10. Celebrate success!

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